During this week and the last week, I have been working on the final project for the bogie team. I reread all of the material we used, our presentations and our notes to decide what information to include and what information not to include in the report. After completing the first draft of the report, I began rereading the report multiple time to check if I forgot any material that should have been added. I also reread the report to check for any spelling or grammar errors before sending it to my manager. After I sent off the report, I was put in charge of communicating with the suspension team, the small scale track team, and the small scale electronic team. Since these teams leave this week I needed to talk to each team to figure out and understand what needed to be done after they left. I mostly talked about the fabrication process with these teams, since they completed their design, but didn't have enough time to put their design into reality. The reason I had to do this was to be able to pick up where they left off, or to transmit the knowledge of where they left off to the next group of students that work on the project.
My overall experience at the Spartan Superway was amazing. This internship showed and taught me how to work with multiple groups and how to communicated amongst the many groups in a project. It taught me how to communicate efficiently with different types of people. For instance, when you are communicating with group members about information pertaining to the project, you may communicate to an extroverted person differently than how you communicate with an introverted individual. I enjoyed working with the people in my bogie team, for most of us communicated amongst eachother well and we all had good work ethic. I realized that not everyone may not have the strongest work ethic, but to not let that interfere with your individual work and your team's work. I learned you have to help motivate these individuals or talk with them about include them into your portion of work and work together with them.
I gained additional knowledge on how to use Solidworks more efficiently throughout this internship. I learned about many different systems and mechanism from researching roller coasters, buses, trains, and gandolas and brainstorming. I also learned a lot from these systems of transportation when trying to implement a similar mechanism or design that these systems had onto our bogie. Researching and working with the motor we had in the Spartan Superway facility taught me how motors work, especially hub motors.